Over the School Half term 25 – 31 May 2013 three Cubs, Akela and Skip joined the district contingents journey to Gilwell National Scout HQ. There they boarded the pirate ship Victory for a week long Jamboree attended by over 1400 Cubs and Adults. The Cubs took part in many activities they had never tried before, some were challenging others were just for Fun; fun they had every day for a week.

Not the master at Arms but Master @ I.T.

Pirates on Parade
On the Wednesday the pirates jumped ship and headed out to London in one of the thirty coaches carrying all those marauding Cubs. They visited many of the tourist attractions, watched the practice for the tooping of the colour, visited museums; before heading by boat down the river to the maritime museum and the Cutty Sark. Thursday saw carnival day with a parade, all the adults and children donning their pirate attire. This was followed by a full funfair which had been set up in the main field, bumper cars and waltzers were the favorites also the many side shows with many many prizes won.
Friday saw us all abandoning ship after the closing cermony, with many memories and new friends made.
The next Cubjam is in 2016
Do you want to be there?
Weekly Meetings
Over the next few months Cubs will be meeting at a variety of places as our days at the community building come to an end. We have arranged many visits to places of interest around Rugby, we will also be working on outdoor skills at Coton Camp site.
A full itinerary will be sent home with your children, dates can also be checked on this site. If you need the sign in details please ask a Leader.
We look forward to an exciting new era in our own Scout Hut in the very near future… the adventure continues